Just Like Jesus

This song was written by Martin Portier. He's a Lansing guy who used to front the Ingham County Regulars. Without gushing, I just want to say that they were one of my favorite bands ever. They recorded an album that everyone who is interested in country music should own. Just Like Jesus never was recorded by the band, which is a damned shame. I used to go to their shows and yell from the crowd for this song. After the Regulars split up, I ran into Marty at a bar one night and asked him if he could write down the lyrics for me. He was kind enough to do so for me on a bar napkin. When we started RCE, I knew that I wanted to cover it and there really was no other option. Here's Martin playing the song solo on the Progressive Torch and Twang show (Doug Neal was the host every Wednesday night on the Impact in East Lansing (88.9) for quite a few years. He was kind enough to dig up this recording and forward it to me a few of years ago)

Martin Portier live on Progressive Torch and Twang, 2007

Notes: Martin Portier on acoustic guitar and vocals

Agian, this was another song that gave me fits on vocals. I showed this song to the band in early 2010 and they were firing away immediately. However, it took me a bit to catch up with them.

Rehearsal, May 8, 2010

Notes: Dave B on baritone guitar, Paul on electric guitar and vocals, Dave O on drums, Steve on bass

We spent a bit of time on the guitar lick/riff (you can hear Marty play it at around 2:11 in his acoustic version) when Ben came around. We thought it would be fun to just pound the hell out of it coming out of the guitar solo.

Rehearsal, September 16, 2010

Notes: Dave B on baritone guitar, Paul on electric guitar and vocals, Steve on bass, Ben on electric guitar

We love playing this song. Marty was kind enough to grant me permission to record it with RCE and it turned out amazing. When the record is available, you can buy it. Until then, here's a live version from our Magic Bag show.

Live at the Magic Bag, March 11, 2011

Notes: Dave B on baritone guitar, Paul on electric guitar and vocals, Dave O on drums, Steve on bass, Ben on electric guitar and vocals